Glossary of Medical Specialties

Choosing the right doctor is important but it is often difficult to know what kind of doctor to go to. Oregon Health News has provided this list of medical specialties to help you find the right doctor for your medical needs.

Theraputic Associates

The specialty of anesthesia during surgery and pain management.

Bariatric Surgery
The specialty of treating obesity with surgery.

Cardiac Surgery
The specialty of treating heart problems with surgery.

Cardiothoracic Surgery
The specialty of treating heart, lung and other problems in the chest with surgery.

Colon & Rectal Surgery
The specialty of treating problems of the small and large intestine, the rectum and anus with surgery.

General Surgery
The specialty of treating common abdominal problems such as
hernias and appendicitis with surgery.

Gynecologic Surgery
The specialty of treating problems with the female reproductive system with surgery.

Maxillofacial Surgery
The specialty of treating problems of the mouth, jaw, neck and facial bones with surgery.

The specialty of treating the central nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord, with surgery.

The specialty of treating women before, during and after childbirth which may include surgery such as a C-section.

The specialty of treating cancer with surgery.

The specialty of treating conditions of the eye with surgery.

Oral Surgery
The specialty of treating dental problems with surgery, such as wisdom tooth removal and root canals.

Orthopedic Surgery
The specialty of treating problems of the bones, joints, ligaments and tendons with surgery.

Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose and Throat, ENT )
The specialty of treating problems of the ears, nose and throat with surgery.

Pediatric Surgery
The specialty of treating health problems of children with surgery.

Plastic Surgery: Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery
The specialty of improving the appearance for cosmetic reasons, or to correct defects for a more appealing appearance.

Podiatry Surgery (Podiatry)
The specialty of treating problems of the feet with surgery.

Thoracic Surgery
The specialty of treating problems in the chest cavity, except the heart, with surgery.

Transplant Surgery
The specialty of replacing failing organs with donated organs with surgery.

Trauma Surgery
The specialty of treating injuries from car crashes, gunshot wounds, stabbings and other traumatic injuries with surgery.

Vascular Surgery
The specialty of treating problems of the blood vessels with surgery.