Anti-Aging Beauty Report By Gloria Natalia Of Southern Oregon

Aging is a fact of life, one that we cannot escape no matter how badly we want to.

Theraputic Associates

Aging of the skin starts in our 20s- the production of collagen slows, as does the “snap” in our elastin, the substance that gives skin its elasticity. Production of new skin cells to replace old and dead cells also slows.

The result of these changes is thinner skin that may develop fine wrinkles and may be less firm, with a tendency to sag as we age further.

Our genes partially determine how quickly signs of aging appear, while environmental factors determine the rest. Environmental factors that affect aging include sun exposure, which is one factor that we can control. Smoking also contributes to aging of our cells, and avoidance of cigarettes can decrease the rate at which your skin ages. The way you handle stress also adds years in the way you look.

Women with mature skin need to pay attention to their skin to protect it from further signs of aging and to improve already-existing signs of aging, such as wrinkles, dry skin and fine lines. The following tips should be part of your daily routine if you have mature skin:

Our bodies are made up of approximately 60% water, which we need to constantly replenish through drinking. We lose water constantly through perspiration, urination and breathing. Our body needs water to function at its best, and this includes our skin. Our skin is our largest organ, and we lose water through our skin constantly. Water also helps to flush toxins from our body, including our skin. When our bodies lack water, we become dehydrated. Dehydration can make wrinkles and fine lines appear more prominent. Water is essential to restore moisture in the skin I recommend to spry water on clean skin and letting absorb then apply your creams as usual.

Cleansing: Your skin gets rids of accumulated dirt, sweat and oil that have accumulated and that can cause your skin to appear older. If you wear makeup you will need to remove your makeup every day, as makeup can clog your pores, making them appear larger. If your skin is mature, you will want to choose a cleanser that is gentle and does not remove too many of your natural oils. Mature skin is often dryer and therefore cleansers with moisturizers in them are far better than harsh cleansers that may strip your skin of its natural moisture.

Hydrate: Mature skin is dry skin. For this reason, hydration of the skin is perhaps the most important beauty step to decrease signs of aging. Choose a moisturizer that will keep your skin feeling moist throughout the day. If your skin starts to feel tight towards the end of the day, you may want to consider using a heavier moisturizer. The hydration step of your beauty routine cannot be overemphasized- when your skin is well hydrated, it will appear smoother, suppler, and fine lines and wrinkles will be much less prominent.

Protect: As mentioned, environmental factors play a large role in aging of the skin, particularly exposure to sunlight. Protecting your skin from the ravaging effects of sunlight is crucial to caring for mature skin. Mature skin that is exposed to sunlight will not only burn easily due to loss of subcutaneous fat under the skin, but may also develop unsightly age spots. Wrinkles are created and worsened by sunlight exposure. Therefore, protecting aging skin with a potent sunscreen is important.

Choose a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher, depending on your skin and environment. If you live in a southern climate, you may want to choose a higher SPF. Don’t forget your lips- wear a lip balm that will both moisturize your lips and protect them from sun exposure. Wear hats when outdoors to avoid direct sunlight on your face. It is also a good idea to avoid tanning outdoors or the use of tanning beds, which not only accelerate aging but can increase your risk of developing skin cancer.

Eating Healthy: A balanced diet can help you maintain the appearance of your skin. Protein can help your body rebuild itself, including your skin, while fruits and vegetables provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants known to nourish the skin.

Can stress hurt my health? Stress can cause health problems or make health problems worse. Stress can sometimes causes you to lose hair, and age your skin. I have also heard it brings premature gray but it has not yet been proven.

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